Fat Grafting: F.A.M.I.


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Fat Grafting

This procedure will remove a patient’s own fat to re-implant it where needed. It is typically extracted from body parts like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, and injected into another area that requires plumping, such as a patient’s facial features. Fat grafting can improve the creased and sunken areas of the face, and add fullness to the lips and cheeks.

The procedure

After preparing the donor site for removal with local anesthetic, the surgeon will withdraw the fat using a syringe with a large needle or cannula. The transferred fat will then re-vascularize and survive in the new location that needs plumping. This autologous fat transfer process will be repeated until the desired correction has been achieved, and may be combined with other surgical procedures for enhanced results.

Fat Grafting surgery takes between 2 and 4 hours. It may cause swelling, discomfort, and bruising as side effects. Patients should be able to return to their activities within few days.


Little to no downtime; patients should be able to return to normal activities within a few days.


Smallrisk of infection and other infrequent complications. Allergic reaction is not a factor for fat injectable fillers because it's harvested from a patient's own body.


Little to no downtime; patients should be able to return to normal activities within a few days.


If you would like more information about Fat Grafting in Beirut, please either call or email our Clinic.