Eyelid Surgery


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Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery / Blepharoplasty is recommended for those patients who have excess skin or fat deposits or bags above or below the eye. These puffy fatty deposits can make you appear tired or angry. 

Incisions are typically made in the creases of your upper eyelids and just below the lashes in your lower eyelids, making scars virtually invisible. After the underlying fat and excess skin are removed, the incisions are closed with fine sutures designed to leave nearly invisible scars. In a Transconjuctival Blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes the incision inside the lower eyelid. No skin is removed and the incision is closed with dissolving sutures.

Eyelid surgery / blepharoplasty usually takes between one to three hours as an outpatient procedure under general, local, or "twilight" anesthesia. Stitches are removed in about one week. Strenuous activities can be resumed in about three weeks. Scarring is usually minimal after three weeks and undetectable in six months. 

Factors, including heredity, smoking, and sun damage accelerate these changes. Younger people also elect to have this procedure done to eliminate puffiness of the eyes from congenital excess of fatty tissues. 

Upper lid blepharoplasty can improve two problem areas: 
• Excess skin on the upper eyelid itself, often called "hooding of the upper lid"
• Puffiness in the inner corner and middle of the upper eyelid caused by the pushing forward of fat

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty will not eliminate dark circles, fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes, or alter sagging eyebrows

To enhance the results of your eyelid procedure, your surgeon may also recommend:
• A brow lift to correct a drooping brow and smooth the forehead
• A facelift for saggy jowls

Therefore, Blepharoplasty is frequently combined other procedures, facelift or forehead lift, and can be combined with chemical resurfacing to smooth skin wrinkles. 

Common Benefits of Eyelid Surgery
It can make a remarkable difference in the appearance of the face, helping the appearance of tiredness and old age by eliminating the excess, wrinkled skin beneath the eyes. The eyes appear fresher and more youthful, and the results will last for many years.