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Sometimes a nutritional diet and the right exercise program may not be enough to conquer areas of excess fat. Liposuction may be the answer if you are seeking a smoother and more proportionate body contour. With liposuction you can achieve slimmer hips and thighs, flatter abdomen and waist, shapelier calves and knees or the elimination of a double chin.

Dr. Hamdan uses a small state-of-the-art instrument called a Cannula to artistically sculpt and contour the body. Liposuction can be performed under both local and general anesthesia. The results are generally seen with¬in a few weeks of surgery, and improve over the next 6 months to a year. The tumescent technique minimizes bruising and speeds the recovery period.

Some people have to work harder than others to attain a sleek physique. Choosing to have a lean and fit body, and then working to achieve that objective is an admirable and worthy goal. Successfully achieving your weight loss goals doesn’t mean you will achieve your desired shape. There are millions of us who diet and work out to the best of our ability, and we never see the results we want. We now know that doing hundreds of leg lifts will strengthen our thigh muscles, but that won’t necessarily reduce the amount of fat surrounding those muscles. Liposuction may provide the help you need. Picture yourself in that bathing suit you’ve always wanted to wear, standing poolside with confidence. You deserve to give yourself the necessary assistance to make your goals attainable. Liposuction has been the most popular plastic surgery procedure. 

The procedure
A small hole (1mm) is made in the skin just large enough to accommodate a small hollow tube called a cannula. The cannula suctions the fat from selected areas of the body to create the desired contour. This procedure is ideal for those who are within 30% of their ideal body weight and would like to contour specific areas.

Liposuction is usually performed under LOCAL (Tumescent) ANESTHESIA and takes from one to 3 or more hours depending on the area and amount of fat being removed. Because , it is done under local anesthesia, the Patient usually goes home within an hour or two. Recovery depends upon the extent of your surgery. There are no sutures to be removed. Normal athletic activities can be resumed in about three weeks. 

Tumescent Technique:
The tumescent technique for liposuction is still the most commonly used method for achieving desired results in contouring areas such as the waist, hips, thighs and buttocks. This technique works by injecting controlled amounts of a special fluid under the skin. This fluid causes the fat to swell such that it is easier to remove. This fluid also numbs and constricts blood flow to the area to reduce blood loss. Because there is so little blood loss, there is minimal bruising.

Medication is also added to this fluid such that post-operative pain is reduced for 18 to 24 hours after surgery. After the fluid is injected, a special hollow tube called a cannula is connected to a suction machine and then inserted under the skin. The cannula is moved back and forth to create thousands of tiny tunnels where the fat has been removed. 

After surgery, a compression garment, or girdle, is put on the patient. The tiny tunnels collapse under the pressure of the garment. The garment is worn most of the time for the next 6 weeks. 



Liposhifting or Internal fat mobilization: A procedure that proved to be an excellent method for the correction of post liposuction imperfections, the redistribution of unaesthetic fat deposits and the correction of circumferential lipoatrophy and depressed scars.


Surgical Treatment : Using special micro-canulas, Dr. Hamdan is applying his surgical expertise to treat localized cellulite problem areas with great success. This method is specially effective for cellulite areas that have been resistant to endormology therapy (LPG,…) and /or Mesotherapy.